3 mistakes to avoid when thinking of a business name

If you’re thinking of starting a business this year, you’ve probably spent time pondering over a name for it. Whilst considering your short list, avoid making these 3 mistakes.
1. Is there a suitable URL?
You’ve thought up a brilliant name, but when registering your domain name, twitter handle and company address – nothing comes close. See what is available before making that final decision.
2. Can you spell it?
Got your business name ready? Take a step back and run it past others. Have you come up with some very obscure? It is difficult to understand when spoken? Be careful when picking something too different – if they can’t pronounce it or spell it you might just get passed by.
3. Where will you be in 5 or 10 years’ time?
Many companies use their location as part of their company name. Whilst this is useful in the beginning, if your company wants to grow outside of this location – think about the impact it may have. For example, ‘Kentucky Fried Chicken’ is now ‘KFC’
Starting a business can seem complicated but the friendly team at Mail Boxes Etc. are here to help. Follow us on twitter for small business tips or pop into one of our many high street stores.