5 ways to de-clutter your work space
Free yourself
from stuff! It’s National Clear Your Clutter day on 11
March 2017.

Whether you work at home or in an office, taking time to clear you
clutter can help you feel calmer, happier and more focused – not to mention
more organised! Here are our top five
1. Give Everything a Home

All the items that currently sit on your desk
should have a ‘home’, and this is where they stay when you’re starting with a
clean workspace. - Souce: lifehacker.com
2. Sort Your Catch-All Drawer
We’re all guilty of having that one desk
drawer where we hide all our random 'things’. Before we know it, this drawer is
full of items we’ve forgotten about or don’t use. Break the cycle, open it and
get sorting! - Source: Forbes
3. Five Minutes A Day
Set aside five minutes of your work day - at
the beginning or end. Use this time to clear away any clutter that has accumulated
and put items back in their place. Source: Becomingminimalist.com
4. Tidy Your Cables

Most offices have cables all over the place – for
computers, printers, speakers, phones, chargers - not only do they look messy
but they can cause trip hazards. Use cable ties and cabinets to tie and label
them, making them much easier to access in the future. Source: Step by step
5. Go Shopping
This is the fun bit. Once you’ve cleared up your workspace, look for
solutions to keep things tidy - boxes, trays, cabinets. There’s a huge variety
of office storage solutions out there. Why not pop into your nearest MBE store
for some inspiration?