What are the benefits of a virtual mailbox for your SME?
A virtual mailbox allows to have a prestigious business location address, without the need to have a physical mailbox or office for your mail to be sent to. Your mail is securely held by our centres to be either collected by you (within our opening hours) or to be forwarded to your private address.

Using a business address on your website, business cards,
and email increases the trust your prospects and customers have in your
business compared to seeing a home address in the suburbs on there. If you are
running a home-based business using a virtual office address makes your
business more credible, legitimate, and professional, without having to spend
lots of money on rent and facilities. With a virtual address, you get to pay
for a business address without paying huge rental fees that come with a
traditional physical office. It also means if your business expands you don’t
have to move to a bigger office to accommodate new employees or equipment.
Your customer and business associates will be able to mail
you comfortably, knowing that you have a physical address linked to your
business, without compromising on privacy and your home address being in the
public domain.
If you would like to buy your own virtual mailbox and
address for your business, click here > www.mbe.co.uk/mailbox/shop